Point of Origin

Past 10 years I have been writing on my life, thoughts and surroundings. It has been a very personal journey. Honestly, I write about simple things in life, the earnest joys and the happiness that comes along, the nasty facts and saddening incidents and their after effects, unbiased observances over biased situations and lot more.

There’s something I believe in, something big, something better, something more worthy. Life, a calculated risk, is eternal and purely beautiful which requires to be polished to make the most of it everyday. Counting every day a blessing helps you to be yourself. Like these, there will be much more insights in my upcoming posts.

I will also share the extracts from Diary which greatly influenced my life in the past. The lessons my first breakup, being average in studies, commuting by a public transport, career decisions, losing the most beloved person to death taught me to look straight and high in life, without leaving the hands of the most valuable people behind. Kindness and generosity dwells in the soul, money and power causing the blindness.

Summarizing my life would be :

I am strong because I have been weak,

I am brave because I have been afraid,

I am wise because I have been foolish.
